Hello, I am

Hodadis Birhan

Software Engineer

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering At Bahir Dar University Sep 2019 – July 2023 CGPA: 3.95

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About Me

Full Stack Developer!

Hello, I'm a passionate Fullstack Developer with over 2 years of hands-on experience in building robust and scalable web applications. With a blend of technical expertise, creative problem-solving skills, and a keen eye for design, I specialize in crafting innovative solutions that deliver exceptional user experiences. My journey into the world of software development began in 2020 year when I discovered my passion for coding and technology. Since then, I've been on a relentless quest to expand my knowledge, refine my skills, and stay at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.




Web App development

Web App development

As a seasoned web developer, I specialize in crafting bespoke digital solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and individuals. My goal is to provide high-quality, user-friendly websites that not only look stunning but also function seamlessly across all devices and platforms. With a keen eye for design and a passion for coding, I take pride in delivering exceptional results that exceed client expectations.

Mobile App development

Mobile App development

As a skilled mobile developer, I specialize in creating innovative and high-performance mobile applications that elevate user experiences and drive business growth. With a deep understanding of mobile technologies and a passion for crafting elegant solutions, I collaborate closely with clients to bring their app ideas to life. From concept to deployment, I'm dedicated to delivering top-notch mobile experiences that captivate audiences and deliver tangible results.

SEO Optimazation

SEO Optimazation

As an experienced SEO developer, I specialize in helping businesses and individuals maximize their online presence and drive organic traffic to their websites. With a data-driven approach and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, I offer tailored SEO solutions that enhance website visibility, increase rankings, and ultimately, boost conversions. Whether you're looking to improve your website's search engine rankings, optimize your content for targeted keywords, or enhance your overall online visibility, I'm here to help you achieve your goals


September 2007- June 2015

Wohny Primary School - Grade 8 completion

During My time at Wohny Primary School from grade 1 to grade 8, I likely experienced a variety of memorable moments, challenges, and achievements. I may have made lifelong friendships, participated in school events such as sports days and talent shows, and excelled academically in certain subjects. Perhaps I faced challenges like adjusting to new teachers or subjects, overcoming academic hurdles, or navigating social dynamics among my peers. Through it all, I developed valuable skills such as teamwork, resilience, and problem-solving. Overall, my journey at Wohny Primary School was a formative period filled with growth, learning, and fond memories

September 2015- June 2019

Mankussa High and Preparatory school - Entrance and Matric completion

At Mankusa High School, I was committed to preparing me for success in college, career, and beyond. With a rigorous academic program, a supportive learning environment, and a focus on personal growth and achievement, I attended in grades 9 to 12 to discover my passions, pursue my dreams, and become confident, responsible leaders in a global society.

September 2019- July 2023

Bahir Dar University - Bachelor Degree

I am a Software Engineering graduate from Bahir Dar University with a five-year academic journey marked by exceptional dedication and achievement. Maintaining a stellar CGPA of 3.95, I demonstrated a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence. Actively participating in coding competitions and workshops, I am poised to apply my expertise to real-world challenges, driven by a desire to leverage technology for positive change.


June 2022-September 2022

Internship-Minab IT Solution PLC(HahuJobs)

During my internship period at Minab IT Solutions from June 2022 to September 2022, I was immersed in an enriching environment where I honed my skills in front-end application development using Vue.js and Nuxt.js, particularly focusing on creating server-side rendered (SSR) applications. Additionally, I gained proficiency in Vite and Tailwind CSS for efficient and responsive UI development. On the backend side, I delved into backend development using a combination of Golang and Express.js. I worked extensively with databases, including Hasura, PostgreSQL, and SQL, learning how to design efficient schema and execute complex queries to optimize data retrieval and manipulation. Moreover, I had the opportunity to delve into API development using GraphQL, gaining hands-on experience in building robust and flexible APIs to facilitate smooth communication between the frontend and backend components of applications.


food recipe

food recipe

This Food Recipe App is a website application that used to show how to prepare food in the best way,which is developed using Vue.js,Vite,Tailwind CSS,PostgreSQL,Hasura,GraphQL, Express.js and Apollo Client

August 2022


Hibirlink Is an online ecosystem thatseamlessly combines online product marketplace, trusted delivery services,streamlined service provider connections,which is developed using Vue.js,Vite,Nuxt.js,Tailwind CSS,PostgreSQL,Hasura,GraphQL, Express.js and Apollo Client

May 2023
Hibirlink Admin Panel

Hibirlink Admin Panel

This web application is the admin side of the hibirlink that allow us to approve, suspend, reject stores, products, services and also add category, location, delivery and assign the order .

May 2023
Hibirlink Supplier Panel

Hibirlink Supplier Panel

This project is used to manage the hibirlink products, services, stores, employee, and orders when you are register as supplier or employee. This plateform is also allow the supplier to add the special discount e.g for holiday, and for another special day with specifing start and end date

June 2023


A "portfolio CMS" typically refers to a Content Management System (CMS) specifically designed for managing and showcasing portfolios. A portfolio CMS is a platform that allows Me to create, manage, and display their portfolios online. It usually provides features such as editing , adding content for easy content creation, image galleries, project categorization

January 2024
Delivery Ride

Delivery Ride

"ride platform" typically refers to a digital platform or application that facilitates transportation services, particularly ridesharing or taxi services, through the use of technology. These platforms connect order with drivers through a website, allowing users to request a ride, track the arrival of their vehicle.

June 2023

In Touch.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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